The real training is supposed to start in two weeks and I am freaking out a little bit (a lot).

I injured my knee somehow way back in July and have not really been better since. At first my knee was in a lot of pain and resting it did improve the issue so I continued to try to rest and take things easy, but after a couple months it seemed to just stop improving. Running outside is almost always painful, and while I can run on the treadmill with much less pain, anything over a few miles also causes issues. Stairs and twisting movements are painful as well so it is beyond time to see a professional.

I was avoiding seeing my Physical Therapist because of Covid and just denial about the entire thing…hoping it would just go away. But I am finally accepting that I need some professional help around here. I really need my body healed so I can run more for my physical and mental health.

Here’s to trying not to be an Injured Piece of ****!
Anyone else dealing with an injury?