and back past the art museum. We ran an 8 mile loop before stopping quickly at home to pick up Winston for the last 2 miles.
I will be riding 53 miles of big hills then a 30 minute transition run, hopefully it goes well!
Many people have the flawed belief that if you are training for an endurance event (half marathon, marathon, triathlon, etc) that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. THIS IS NOT TRUE, it is far from it! A lot of people I know in real life and in blogger world have gained weight while training for these events. Tina, Julie and Monica have all talked about gaining weight while training for endurance events. I often find that when I am in high volume training I maintain. There are many reasons that I think that this happens but these are just my opinions, I am not a nutritionist or fitness expert.
1. There is less time to focus on nutrition and food choices. After a 4 hour training session it’s easy to just grab whatever food is closest
2. You are hungry ALL the time! You may burn more calories but it seems like your appetite grows more than you burn
3. Endurance training isn’t the best way to rev up your metabolism and burn calories. I think interval training, HIIT, etc are better exercises if you are just looking to burn calories.
In the Book Racing Weight, Matt Fitzgerald suggests that you not try to lose weight while training because you need to be eating enough calories to get through all your workouts not keeping a calorie deficit that you need to lose weight.
Where am I going with all of this? I decided that even though I knew all of this, I still wanted to try to get closer to my ideal racing weight while training for my ironman. And since we started training I have taken off 14 pounds, I am happy about this and have about 10 more pounds to go to get to my “Race Weight”. The last 10 pounds will come off slowly but I am ok with that, I don’t want it to compromise my training. Also I am now and was even at my highest weight in the healthy weight range for my height, I just would like to be leaner (specifically getting down to 16% body fat, I am about 21% now) while putting in so many miles.
Here is how I have lost the weight so far and hope to continue to lose weight this way as I go:
1. Focus on the types of food I eat. I think I have a good idea of what healthy foods are and I try to fill up on them.
2. EAT! If I get too hungry I usually eat things I shouldn’t so I allow myself to eat a lot, I just try to eat fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
3. Plan ahead. If I don’t plan what my next meal will be BEFORE a big workout then inevitably I eat unhealthy foods if I have a plan before hand than I almost always stick to it.
4. Don’t listen to others. I sometimes get crap from friends or coworkers about how much I work out and how I must be able to eat anything. Sometimes they give me a hard time if I turn down junk food. But I know it’s not true that I can eat whatever I want so the the longer I stick to my guns the less crap they seem to give me.
For me it’s that simple and that difficult to lose weight while training.
Have you gained weight while training for an endurance event? Do you have any tips?
Speaking of healthy foods, enter to win my Chia giveaway!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday so far! I am excited to host my first giveaway ever!
Because I am an Ambassador for FitFluential, I was sent a shipment of Chia Seeds and I would like to share them with you.
So two lucky readers will get a bag of black and a bag of white chia seeds to try out.
The contest is easy to enter, you get an entry for each of the following (be sure that you make each entry a separate comment)
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment that you follow
2. Follow FitFluential on Twitter OR like FitFluential on Facebook and leave a comment
3. Mention this giveaway on your blog or twitter.
Giveaway will close on Saturday January 21st at noon (Mountain Standard Time) and I will announce the winners that evening. I will use a random number generator to select the winners, good luck!
Week 11 Ironman Training
Monday 60 min yoga
Tuesday am: Distance swim 2900 yds
pm: Interval Run 6 miles
Wednesday am: 90 min spin class
pm: 60 min strength training
Thursday am: 60 min progression Run
pm: Speed Swim workout
Friday am: Strength training
pm: 2 hr 15 min time in the saddle ride
Saturday: Frotey’s Frozen Five Mile Race with 5 easy miles later in the day to add some distance.
Sunday am: 3 hour bike ride on rolling terrain
pm: Strength session
Yesterday I finished my first “ironman” for my gym’s ironman competition. It’s funny that I easily finish the swim and run portion in a week but the bike portion takes me almost two weeks to complete. Last week I competed over 14 hours of workouts and over 11 miles, it scares me that this is MUCH less than I will do in one day! Makes it more real what I am training for and I am grateful I have six months to get my body ready for it!
After freaking out earlier this week about what I got myself into with the RAGE half ironman, I decided to do something about it. On my schedule this weekend I had a 90 minute trail run and a 3 hour bike ride, perfect, Boulder here I come!
Yesterday Cory and I headed to the Mesa Trail near the Flatirons. It wasn’t too snowy on the trail so the was a plus.
*These photos are from last winter when we ran the same trail, I forgot my camera yesterday, whoops!
I really like this trail it’s challenging and the views are breathtaking the whole way.
After our run we came home watched the olympic marathon trials. I loved watching it but was heart broken for both the female and male 4th place finishers. I had weight training on the schedule too so I got in 45 minutes before heading to my parents house to eat lots of yummy food and watch the Bronco game. The game wasn’t fun to watch (for us) but they put in a good season and I hope they come back even stronger next fall.
Today we are heading back to my parents house (hope they don’t get sick of us!) for our first transition workout of the year. We are going to ride out to Boulder to Old Stage for some hills and get a good 53 miles in.
From MapMyRide.com
When we are done we have a fast transition to a 30 minute run. My parents’ community has great running trails so their house is the perfect place to transition.
I am so excited to get my new Kestrel out on the road for the first time today!
What are your plans for the day?
This is not a triathlon/running/training type post. You have been warned.
I think of myself as generally a nice person. I HATE when people feel bad, I do everything in my power to not hurt people’s feelings. But I think I play into gossip way more than I should. I feel that it is easy for most people to be pulled into negative gossip, especially if it’s under the guise of concern. It’s easy for concern to degrade into a complain fest and have a negative spiral.
Lately I have been paying attention to the actions of people that I really look up to and I have noticed how they don’t get involved when gossip starts, shut it down and only have nice constructive things to say. I want to exhibit those qualities too and think that it must have a positive effect on your mental health not to participate in a negative activity.
So the plan is to do my best to not gossip, and to try my best to shut it down when others try to involve me for the rest of the month. Why the rest of the month? It’s not really a scientific choice, saying for the rest of my life seems unrealistic and like I am setting myself up for failure. I wanted a short enough time period that wasn’t overwhelming but was long enouph that I would be able to hopefully see a difference in how I feel. I know I won’t be perfect but the goal is to be conscious of what I am saying about others and what I am participating in.
What do think about gossip? Harmless, Hurtful, don’t care?
We will return to our regularly scheduled Triathlon blogging tomorrow. Happy Friday the 13th all!
I did it to myself…….normally I am good about doing race research before deciding on a big race (to me this is anything half marathon or Olympic triathlon and longer) but for some reason I decided on the RAGE 70.3 as my spring long course without doing ANY research. I decided I liked the date and going to Vegas in the spring sounded fun so I forked over my money and didn’t think too much about it.
We woke up this morning to about 1/4 of an inch of snow. Frustrating that so little snow would keep my workout inside but it was pretty much a sheet of ice and would not be good for a hilly bike ride.
So instead we packed our bags and headed to the gym at 7 am where we spun on our own for an hour before taking an hour spin class. I was pleased that we had a great instructor and I felt like I got a really good workout. Some of the instructors at my gym are great and some are awful. After spin class we hurried to change into dry clothes so we could take the 9 am yoga class.
We haven’t taken yoga at 24 hour fitness before but decided to give it a try since it was such good timing. I was pleasantly surprised by the class! It was challenging to hold some poses on tired legs after 2 hours of spin and I got light headed every time I stood up but I think my legs are in better shape because of the good stretch they got.
After our workout we headed home to clean up, eat and clean our house. Exciting stuff I know but it feels so much better to start the week with a clean house and clean clothes!
For dinner Cory made one of my favorite dinners, spaghetti squash with marinara sauce, broccoli and sausage.
Spaghetti squash is a much healthier option to traditional spaghetti:
This is a great meal to make in advance for during the week since you can save the scraped squash in the refrigerator for up to a week.
I like mine best with cheap marinara sauce, broccoli and sausage but you can top it with anything you would put on noodles.
I enjoyed mine with some champagne (for no good reason) while watching the bronco game we had recorded.
What is one of your favorite healthy meals?