This years Christmas felt a little flat and rushed to me after spending much of early December nursing then losing Humphry. We were also very sick with RSV that turned into multiple infections. My biggest hope is that I was able to keep the magic going for the kids.

My kept the traditions alive with lots of Elf on the Shelf antics, baking, going to holiday festivals and visiting Santa.

While we didn’t get to do as much as I had planned but our time was well spent with Humphry while we could.

Having to say goodbye to Humphry was one of the hardest things we have had to do. It’s been painful and while the grief comes in waves but we are getting through it together.

I love them so much.

And then we found that this little precious girl needed a home for Christmas.

We adopted a rescue Boxer Mix puppy, just 8 weeks old. We love her so much already, a little sunshine, our little Luna.

We had a sweet little Christmas together and hope that yours was lovely.