I missed posting my update last week so this will be the last two weeks. Just three more weeks before I start my specific 50 mile training for 20 weeks. Getting so close to starting is making it feel very real and a little scary.
This is how the last two weeks went down:
Monday: 3 easy miles on the treadmill in the morning + 40 minutes of strength training. Always feels good to get it done before the kids get up!
Tuesday: Out the door early for 8 hilly miles. It was cold but I got to witness a beautiful sunrise.

Wednesday: A quick 2.5 mile warm up on the treadmill then 40 minutes of strength training.
Thursday: Six miles (OUTSIDE AGAIN) it really feels like spring is finally here.

Friday: 3.75 miles on the treadmill with some strides in the last mile for fun.
Saturday: Winter showed back up but didn’t stick around too long. I got to wait until it was light out =) 6.3 miles on the bike paths.

Sunday: I needed to get 12 miles in before a birthday brunch for my mom. I didn’t want to go outside with it being so dark for all 12 miles so I ran the first 4 on the treadmill while the sun came up then finished 8.2 miles outside.
Totals: 42 miles running and 2 strength training sessions.
Week 6 – Recovery Week!
Monday: Just 1 mile warmup on the treadmill then 30 minutes of Strength
Tuesday: I got to bed really late on Monday night after doing on a bunch of paperwork for work so I wasn’t feeling it for a 4 am wakeup call. I hit the treadmill during nap time. I don’t usually like to leave my running for nap time because you never know what you’re going to get but I was lucky and was able to fit in 5.5 miles before Emmy woke up.

Wednesday: Easy 2 miles in the morning and strength training.
Thursday: 5.6 hills miles outside in the dark.

Friday: Quick miles around the hood.

Saturday: 4 trail miles with the sunrise.

Sunday: “Longish” run for the week of 8 miles

Totals: A solid cut back to just 27.2 miles and 2 strength training sessions.
It has been nice getting out more, now if the sunrise could just start at 4:30 that would be great!
Now to kick the miles back up to 45+ for this week!
I am linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly!
I am also linking up with #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) This is a great accountability group of bloggers, you should join too! The hosts are: Brandi at Funner Runner, Anna Louise at Gracious Warrior Princess, Briana at Mat.Miles.Medals, Meghan at Meghan on the Move, Jenn at Runs With Pugs and Elizabeth at Train With Bain

Are you getting out more, is it spring yet where you are?