Cannon is now 2 and 1/2 years old and I don’t even know where to start on an update for him. He is so fun, silly, sweet and moody, opinionated and his own little man. Cannon has strong ideas of what he wants and is definitely not a pleaser. As his mom that can make some things difficult and I do think that will serve him well later in his life.

Cannon is now 37.8 inches long (88% ) and 31 lbs 0 oz (68%).
Cannon is still a great eater. He will branch out and try some things although his diet is a very typical for a toddler. He loves pizza, mac n’ cheese, fruit, tomatoes, pouches, etc. There was a long stretch where Cannon would snack a bunch and eat little at meals. Luckily that has turned around and he is eating more at meal times. The most difficult thing about eating for Cannon is having to sit still. Whenever we go to play dates the other kids will eat snacks but Cannon is too busy playing to bother eating no matter how good the snacks are.
I feel so so grateful that Cannon has always been a great sleeper. He typically sleeps from 7pm to 6am. If he wakes up earlier we leave him in bed unless he is crying or upset. One thing that helps a lot is that he is still in a crib. Most of my friends that have 2+ year olds have moved to beds but everyone says keep them in their cribs as long as possible so we are going with it. He can climb out of his crib but he doesn’t and that makes things so much easier.
The saddest update is that recently Cannon has started skipping his afternoon nap. About once a week he just won’t fall asleep. I cry thinking of him not taking a nap anymore. I was really hoping we would make it until he started school in August but now I don’t see that happening.
Cannon has grown so much in the last year and a half. Just a year ago he looked so much like a baby and now he looks like a boy.
THEN NOW + baby sister
There was a teeny tiny worry that Cannon’s language was a bit behind. But his doctor always thought he would catch up by two years old. And of course she was right, his vocabulary exploded and he is right on track.
Now I am just looking forward to just spending as much time as possible with him before he starts school in August (cue all the mom tears).
Play is everything to Cannon. Like most toddlers he is on the move all day long. Being outside is the best if you ask Cannon.
Riding bikes, hiking, running, playing at the playground are all winners.
The biggest change in his life was the addition of his little sister last April. He is the best big brother ever, so gentle and sweet with Emerald.

I was really worried about how Cannon would handle switching from only child to big brother but he has done really well sharing attention and playing with Emmy.

I don’t want to paint an unrealistic picture, truthfully we are starting to deal with some big tantrums, it’s rare but this kid can let me know when he isn’t happy with what we are doing. The easiest way to get him to chill is to give him screen time and he LOVES it so I have to be careful that he doesn’t get too much.
He has grown and changed so much that sometimes I miss little baby Cannon. That said he is so much fun to be around and a helpful little boy.
Past Updates
[…] is still napping between 1-2 hours a day in the afternoon. At this age Cannon had started to drop his nap and by three he was completely done napping. I am hoping Emmy keeps […]