Over the past month things have been a little more quite for us after lots of traveling early in the year. Emerald enjoyed having lots of time to play and work on her crawling/walking skills. Now we will be spending our time getting ready for Emmy’s first birthday party {tears}!

At ten months Emerald is wearing size 4 diapers, and is wearing mostly 12 month size clothes we will be moving to size 18 month pants soon because she is so tall!
We are making so much progress on eating, Emmy is really enjoying food more and more. Emmy is less and less interested in her bottle and we have started trying to transition her away from her bottle and into sippy cups. We still haven’t been successful getting her to hold her own bottle, any tips?

Sleep is still going great. Emmy sleeps from 6:30 or 7:00 pm to 6:30(ish) most days. She had some teething troubles (four teeth coming in all at once) where she didn’t sleep well for a couple nights but cuddles and Tylenol helped.

We have dropped down to two naps a day and that seems to work well for us and our schedule. She is really good about cuddling to sleep or self soothing.
Emmy just so much fun, almost always happy and loves playing with her brother.

She is constantly on the go, crawling and cruising everywhere.
She is also walking everywhere with assistance.

This past month seems like the end of winter play. Emmy really liked the snow and sledding.

She doesn’t seem to mind but I am sure getting sick of our regular indoor play areas and feel ready for parks and backyard time.
Next month will be her one year update and I feel really emotional about it. Time has flown so fast and I can’t believe that she won’t be a baby anymore. At the same time I can’t believe that just a year ago she wasn’t here to make us all so happy. She really is a joy and light.

Past Monthly Updates
[…] 11 Months […]