We survived the bomb cyclone this week, which made for a not very interesting week in running. Also I think the kids are sick of winter at this point too, Cannon asks to go outside to the park everyday now. I do have some hope that after the blizzard we have finally turned a corner and spring is on it’s way.
This is how the week went down:
Monday: after a bigger weekend I like to take Mondays easy so just 2 easy miles on the treadmill before the kids wake up. I am getting more used to the 4am alarm but it’s still not easy.

Tuesday: With the time change it is just too dark for me to run outside for me but I think I will be breaking out my headlamp soon. 6.11 mile progression run on the treadmill.
Wednesday: Another morning treadmill run (are you bored yet, because I am) 3.1 mile easy run then strength training while watching The Bachelor finale. Then the weather rolled in and I think the kids are sick of playing inside.

Thursday: We survived the storm but it will still be a couple days before roads and sidewalks are clear. Just two easy miles on the treadmill before the kids woke up.
Friday: I think this is the day my mental strength broke a bit for the treadmill. I was supposed to run a little longer but could only make it 3 miles before giving up and doing some strength training.
Saturday: Finally getting to run outside for the first time for the week! There were still many icy spots to dodge but it felt amazing to run outside. 6.87 miles outside with Cory and the kids flew by!

Sunday: Back on the treadmill for a little over 11 miles. The weather was nice but we had a really busy day planned so the only time I had to run was early in the morning. I didn’t want to try to brave the icy spots in the dark. At least I think I have built my treadmill tolerance back up since 11 miles didn’t feel that long. The rest of the day was beautiful and I enjoyed spending it with my family instead of out running.

Totals: 34.2 miles running ( Just one run outside) and 2 strength training sessions.
I am linking up with #RIOTS (Running Is Our Therapy Sisters) This is a great accountability group of bloggers, you should join too! The hosts are: Brandi at Funner Runner, Anna Louise at Gracious Warrior Princess, Briana at Mat.Miles.Medals, Meghan at Meghan on the Move, Jenn at Runs With Pugs and Elizabeth at Train With Bain

I am also linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly!
How is your training going?
Are you looking forward to spring and summer running weather?
wow huge props to you for getting up at 4 am everyday and working out. I am not sure I could have done that with 2 small kids or maybe ever. So much respect!Looks like a solid week for you. Thanks for linking up w us
Thanks so much! I don’t know that I can take that much credit with the two kids, they are both great sleepers and sleep through the night like champs =) also I go to bed super early like a grandma.
Great job getting in some good mileage despite the crazy weather. My training is going well. I am training for a half and feeling good about where the mileage is headed.
Oh gosh, I SOOO feel your pain in all those treadmill miles! I was able to finally get back outside for most of last week’s runs. My Treadmill PR is 5 miles LOL (I may have done 6 miles once,but I honestly cannot remember if that’s fact or fiction). Thanks for joining the link-up!
I am not sure if all this treadmill running is a strength or just an excuse to watch Netflix 😉
You are officially my hero for all that treadmill running. 11 MILES ON THE TREADMILL. Omg!! I can only imagine you are ready though for it to be way less runs inside and way more outside.
I am so looking forward to spring and summer running – pretty soon though I’ll have two months of downtime but hopefully I can still get out on the bike when it’s not raining cats and dogs!
LOL, I would much rather be outside but I get to watch some good stuff on the treadmill that isn’t Elmo 😉