Our little boy turned the big 5 last month and it really seems like everything changes now and he is no longer my little toddler that mostly stays home with me. Now he is independent, helpful and ready to head off to Kindergarten.

Cannon still greets each day with a smile and is quick to give me a hug and check in to make sure I am happy too.

Cannon’s favorite thing to do by far is to adventure outside and we were excited to start winter camping!
And some spectacular day trips!
A highlight for Cannon was our trip to Utan for Spring Break.
He really has become a great hiker and interested in seeing the world as much as possible.

Cannon has really been enjoying taking photos of all the amazing places we get to visit.
Cannon has made some friends that are very special to him.

But his little sister is still his best friend.

Cannon played his second season of soccer and is starting to love it more and more.
For the second half of the school year Cannon bounced back and forth from in person to distance learning as Covid-19 made it’s way through our community. We loved his little pre-school (4 days a week, 3 hours a day) for the last 2 years and were happy they at least got to spend the last few weeks together and he got to say goodbye before moving on to full day Kindergarten. He came so far and learned so much but the thing I am most grateful for is that he learned to love school.
Cannon has also been loving that our pool is open this year and would go swimming everyday if he could.

Cannon – sweetheart, I hope you never change! You have the best heart and you make everything more fun. We love you more than you will ever know!
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