Quarantine day 9, we are feeling ready to go to playgrounds and Costco when our quarantine is officially over tomorrow. (but that’s about all we will be adding back in). Our County has gone to level red for Covid which means we are at the level of community spread. We are not in complete lock down yet but if things don’t turn around we will be soon.
With level red covid spread personal gatherings are prohibited. So that means family Thanksgiving is cancelled. We were on the fence about if we felt it was safe to celebrate with family but now it has been decided for us. We missed last years Thanksgiving because we had the stomach flu. At least this year we will be able to make a turkey dinner at home for the four of us so that is at least an upgrade. But it’s sad to think that Emmy hasn’t been able to share a Thanksgiving with family since she was seven months old and Cannon was just two.

A lot has changed since then.
Cannon has been doing so well in online school that he earned his favorite treat, a cake pop!

It’s pretty nice that Cannon’s favorite treat is from Starbucks so Cory and I can get a treat for ourselves as well. Emmy got a pink cake pop, I got a chestnut praline latte and Cory got a peppermint mocha. We dropped Cory’s coffee off at the home office then drove to the library. We are loving the curbside pick-up and drive through drop off so we can still borrow books!

I am way late to the party but I finally figured out the Starbucks points deal, now that they opened a Starbucks about a mile from our house with a drive through we are in trouble….
After school and our library visit it was time for lunch and nap. I made the kids PB&J sandwiches….I really need some more lunch ideas! Maybe I will try some of Amber’s Bento Box Ideas.
After naps we went for a walk, I pushed them in the stroller while they ate snacks

Then they ran back while I tried to keep up.

On nights that I teach I want something super easy and fast for dinner.

Everything here is from Costco and cooks up super fast!

Then it was time to teach and for Cory to take over kids duty.
After class I wrote up a gift list for kids 2-4, I combined Cannon and Emerald’s list this year as they are playing with mostly the same things.
What are your Thanksgiving plans?