Is anyone thinking of training for a marathon in 2021? I am definitely hoping to run at least one! If you are running your 100th, 10th or 1st I think this article could be helpful:

THIS article in Triathlete talks about compiling lots of data in whats most efficient in marathon training.
Our 4th day of quarantine was again not that exciting…..I did possibly find a spin bike that we could get, we’ll see.

Emmy really enjoyed drinking orange juice (why is she looking so grown up).
I Finally purchased a new laptop. We looked into it and we got my current laptop in 2012 and it is acting it’s age! Apple came out with their new MacBooks so I ordered one and I can’t wait for it to get here.

We put some more Christmas up.

We watched Jingle Jangle on Netflix, it’s cute, would recommend.

And we had shrimp pasta for dinner.

We are now on day 4 of waiting on Cannon’s Covid test, they are supposed to take 2 days but labs are backed up because Colorado numbers are so bad. The doctor warned us it could be longer and also that we might hear on Sunday if his test was positive because they prioritize those results. The office is closed on Sunday so if they get his results as negative we wouldn’t hear until Monday at the earliest. Fingers toes and everything crossed we get happy news tomorrow. Please keep us in your thoughts.
Anyone else waiting on Covid results?
Anyone training for a marathon?
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