BIG NEWS from us! Emmy pulled herself up and stood on her own for the first time today!
Okay, I know this is really only big news to Cory, me and my Mom but I had to share, she is growing up SO fast! Also she was properly motivated to stand so she could mess with Cannon’s train table, he looks very worries (as he should).
I got up at 5am to get a run in before the kids woke up. Emmy is getting better and sleeping closer to 6am now (score). I ran a couple miles on the treadmill before doing some lower body and core strength training. Doing shorter runs and leaving time for strength might be the only way it gets done.
I tried really hard to get Cannon to smile at me for this picture but apparently his Cheerios were much more interesting. Emmy went down for her morning nap so Cannon and I played with his Legos.
When Emerald woke up we packed up and drove down to The Bounce Place in Boulder to meet some friends and burn off some energy. It was our first time going to the Bounce Place and I really liked it. It’s an indoor play space that has a bunch of blow up play houses and padded floors. Cannon could run wild and jump all over. It’s so nice this time of year to have places to go to run around and play when it’s not warm enough to be outside.
Once home we all ate our lunches and then it was nap time.
I have been working hard to get both kids to nap at the same time and today it actually worked, I got an hour and a half to myself and it was amazing. I made many appointments, bought tickets for an upcoming trip and cleaned a little.
After naps it was a quick run to Target to return a toy that wasn’t working and buy 6 more things we didn’t need (always target!) Then it was the dinner, play, bath, PJs, read, snuggle, bed hustle.
I actually cooked tonight! Something simple but I was proud of myself for doing it. I am not the best cook and never really took the time to learn but I have felt really motivated to learn to make good healthy food for my family this year. Baby steps are still steps. This is a good transition point to talk about my January Goals.
I talked about my word/intention for the year already but I think it’s important to set short term goals as well. Everything in my life that I would consider an accomplishment (masters degree, finishing an Ironman, planning a wedding, etc) has started out as a big impossible dream, then I have just worked it backwards into smaller attainable goals and tasks. So here are some goals for this cold, dark month to keep me moving in the direction I want to go:
- Run everyday in January, I talked about this more here.
- Write 6 days a week – hopefully this one will last for more than just January. You may have noticed that posts have been a lot more frequent here on this ‘lil old blog. One of the best ways to get better at something is consistent practice. So writing most days of the week will hopefully help me improve as well as create a fun way to look back at this time in life. We have such a fun adventurous year planned I want to capture it all.
- Cook dinner at least three days a week – Cory has always been our main cook, he is better at it and enjoys it more. But it’s nice for him to come home from work and get to play with the kids instead of start cooking straight away. Again hopefully practice leads to improvement.
So that’s it, pretty simple. RUN – WRITE – COOK.
Do you love setting goals? Any good ones for January?
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