Today was a return to some routine at our house. My alarm went off at 4:30 am ( I allowed myself to sleep in 30 minutes extra) and Cory returned to work. My day started out with a three mile run on our treadmill and a little strength training.

I was worried that the kids would have a hard day since they have gotten used to slow mornings and Dad staying home.

But everyone had a great day and Cannon even took a nap. Recently Cannon has started refusing to nap at least once a week. I cry when I think of him not napping every afternoon but I think the end is near.
Also Cannon has been becoming more and more attached to Emerald. He started whining at her door this morning, saying he wanted Emmy. I don’t love the whining, but it’s just too cute that he always wants to be with his sister. One of his favorite things is to help me get her up after naps, and she squeals with delight when she sees him.

It’s officially goal setting season and I LOVE it, I love a fresh new year and all the motivation to reflect, dream and prioritize goals. I know some people are not into resolutions and all the new year hype but I am the biggest dreamer and I. AM INTO. IT.
I have been spending time reflecting and digging deep into what I want 2019 to look like. More on that soon, but one thing I knew I wanted to do this January was a run streak.

There are a lot of opinions about run streaks for and against, I fall in the for category but only within reason. My reason for wanting to do a run streak is to help myself reset habits. In December training wasn’t great because of illness, holiday hustle, cold, dark, laziness, etc, etc. When I do a run streak it feels easier, there is never a question if I am going to run or not I just get it done. When I run everyday for a month I feel like I set some really good habits to take with me into the rest of the year. I make my streak short and simple to avoid burnout and injury. Since it’s my streak I set my own rules and it’s simple run at least one mile (walking is allowed) once a day, everyday for all of January.
Are you for or against run streaks?
Ever done one? If so what’s your longest streak?
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