It’s the first week of the new year and it really does feel like a fresh start. After taking WAY TOO MANY days off over Christmas from being sick, etc. I took last week to ease my way back in. I have learned from past mistakes not to jump back into training with big miles. I just end up too sore and headed straight for an injury. It’s so tempting to try to “make up” for the miles that have been missed, but it’s not a good idea. I started with just two miles and added about a mile a day until I felt like my running legs were coming back. I can say that after not running for 10 days (YIKES) this process worked well for me AND after my first week back my legs feel pretty good.
Monday: New Years Eve, no running still.
Tuesday: Was supposed to be our annual New Years Day half but my dad had a bit of a medical emergency so couldn’t watch the kiddos. I could have ran on my own but I was worried that it would be too much after so much time off. Instead I did 2.2 easy miles on the treadmill.

Wednesday: Another early morning run on the treadmill. This one I played little progression speed games to keep myself entertained. After warming up I would increase the speed by .1 each .1 mile until I got to the next mile then I would start over again at a comfortable pace and increase again. For me this makes the miles FLY by.
Thursday: Decided to run outside to get a break from the treadmill. It was cold and the sun didn’t come up until long after I got home so no photos from the run. Also the cold makes my phone die and I hate that. 4.15 miles and almost feeling back to normal.
Friday: I was up late on Thursday so I slept right through my alarm an was busy busy busy with the kids all day. We had so much fun going to a new indoor play place but there wasn’t any time for me to get a run in until after the kids went to bed. After making a grocery list for the week I slogged down to the treadmill, I really didn’t want to but I committed to this streak so I did it, just 1.12 miles.

Saturday: It was a beautiful day and I knew Sunday would be busy so I moved my long run up a day. I didn’t want to jump up too high in miles so just 10 miles around the neighborhood. It didn’t feel great and was slow but it was better than I feared. Onward!

Sunday: Again slept right through my alarm, clearly I need more sleep…snuck in a couple miles and that was it.

Total Running Miles: 23 miles – Not great but a solid start to my base. I am hoping to take the next few weeks to build my base miles slowly and get used to running more days per week so I can start training for that 50 mile race!
Happy Running Everyone!
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