I have been feeling a bit run down lately and feeling like I really need to get more sleep. I wear a sleep tracker at night that tracks sleep, heart rate variability and other metrics. I took a look at my recent sleep.

I feel like I need about eight hours of sleep to function well. I wish it was less, Cory does okay on less and I swear my brother thrives on about five hours of sleep a night. When I get less than eight and especially less then seven I don’t do as well. I can’t focus as well so I am not as good of a teacher, I have less energy and patience so I am not as good of a mom as I would like to be and I am less organized so I am not being as good of a partner as I could be. I am trying to work on finding ways to get in more sleep and still fit it all in. Please send me all your tips!

Here is a picture of Emmy, just because she is so cute…..
Cannon’s hair has grown back to sitting in his eyes.

We’ve had it cut once since Covid hit.
I am going to have to decide if I am brave enough to cut it myself because we are in a pretty bad lock down here in Colorado.

I also haven’t gotten a hair cut in about a year, things are looking desperate.
We had the best broccoli and salmon for dinner.

I am always surprised when the kids eat this dinner. They love it!

After eating we drove to a neighbors house that has set their holiday lights to music, the kids loved it. It’s nice to have some holiday spirit!
How much sleep do you need?
How long since your last haircut?
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