The day began very early, but it’s made a little sweeter that it’s lit by a Christmas tree. The dark mornings and evenings are easier to take with all the Christmas cheer.

I stumbled a few miles on the treadmill, but the lack of sleep is getting to me. Working late (well late for me) then getting up early to run is starting to add up. I am really missing my gym with kid care where they could go play and I could run at a time other than 4 am. I don’t mean to complain…..I am happy we are safe and healthy. I think we all just miss the way things were.
Annnnnyyyyway. Emmy woke up before Cannon and Cory so we got some cuddle time while reading books.

We started the kids’ first advent calendar. We got them this one.

It had little toys inside and so far the kids love it. We got them both the same one because they have been having trouble lately and it’s easier if they have the same thing. So far so good.
We have been playing in the basement every morning before Cannon has school. I call it recess and hope that it helps getting some energy out before class.

I love how well Cannon is doing with online school, I am proud of him for adapting.

We have been working hard to get Emmy to drink more water and less milk. This mix was well received (we call is pink drink to make her like it even more) it’s 25% kombutcha, 75% water and some raspberries for fun. So far so good.
We spent some time in the afternoon playing outside then had a delicious salad with leftover Thanksgiving turkey. We have a lot of turkey since we made a Costco bird for just the four of us.

Emmy has been enjoying stealing Cory’s food lately.

Anyone else struggling a little with exercise with this second quarantine?
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