This morning I was able to sleep in a bit and go (OUTSIDE) for a run. It was a cool morning at only 27 degrees and a nice change from the heat.

Cory has every other Friday off so he took Cannon to school then went for a run with Emmy. He is much better at pushing the double than I am.

They had some great bonding time while I got four easy miles in on my favorite trails.

After my run Emmy and I hit up a playground with some friends until it was time to pick up Cannon from school.

After lunch and naps we decided to take the bikes up to a park to get some practicing in.

Quickly our clear day had smoke fall from the north.

I feel so terrible for anyone impacted by these terrible fires, in an already terrible year. I hope that we see some weather that will help contain these fires and that everyone will remain safe.
We went home to find dinner ready because I threw together Cream Cheese Chicken Chili in the crock pot. I love easy dinners so much, and this one is delicious!

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