We decided this morning that we wanted to get out of the house and go for a hike in the mountains (taking advantage of this warm fall).
We drove to Dillion, Colorado to hike near the reservoir. It was beautifully clear, which was a nice change from all the smoke on the front range.

Emmy hiked the first mile with us enjoying the view.

Then she grabbed a ride and a short nap.

Cannon hiked the entire three miles and did amazing!

We love this little hiker!

On our way home we got a text from my mom saying that another fire started just north of Boulder.

Please, please do a rain dance for us, we are having the worst fire year in Colorado history and it is just so sad.
We came home to find the Emmy’s costume, we had to order a smaller size.

It fits perfectly and she loves being Cinderella this year.

Just flashing back to last year Tinker Bell and Peter Pan.
Visited anywhere beautiful lately?
What are you doing for Halloween this year?
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