After two weeks out of town it’s been a bit of a shock to come back home and jump back into working and a new semester. I will admit that I was a bit overwhelmed adjusting to working and getting two kids ready for the day but hopefully we will find a good rhythm soon. It feels good to start to get into a schedule and start thinking about what races I want to train for!
Monday: I had planned to go to spin class in the morning but my gym was closed for the week so I took a rest day instead.
Tuesday: First day back to work, I left my run to the evening after the kids went to bed (thanks summer for still being light out). 3 easy miles with some strides thrown in during the last mile.

Dinking around taking photos before doing the “work” of my run (10×30 seconds fartlek efforts with 90 seconds recovery) my body didn’t feel great, but it was perfect weather for a run and it feels oh so good to have it done.
Wednesday: Early morning strength training and easy spin on the trainer. It felt so weird to be back on my TT bike.
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: 4 miles with 10 by 30 second intervals. I didn’t feel great on this run but having intervals kept things interesting.
Saturday: 3 easy miles pushing the babe

This little babe was so excited to go on my run with me today this run was sandwiched between fartlek efforts yesterday and tomorrow’s long run so it was just an easy three miles. It’s not my favorite to push the BoB up the hills in my neighborhood but it’s so worth it to hang out with my girl.
Sunday: Long run Sunday only clocks in at 6 miles these days but you have to start somewhere and this is just the begining.

It was hot and I was tired from 2am and 4am wake ups (thanks 4 month sleep regression) but I was stoked to run further than I have in a year…..progress.
Happy Running Everyone!
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