We have pretty standard (and busy) days lately, I could live these summer days on repeat for a very long time. Even though it’s stupid hot, it’s not so bad when you can go to the pool when it’s 90+ degrees.
Our morning started with swim lessons for Cannon, Emmy happily played with friends on the pool deck. Then we had to quick change and drive Cannon to his bike camp. He goes 9am-11:45am and honestly Emmy and I miss him a lot. Cannon had a great time but I am glad that doesn’t have a lot of camps this summer, I value our time together so much!

Emmy and I met a couple friends a little playground that had a splash pad. I am sad that Emmy doesn’t seem to like splash-pads anymore. She loved them when she was little!
After playing we picked up Cannon from camp, heard all his stories and came home for lunch and a short nap for Emmy. She is dropping her nap but still needs it some days.
It’s nice to relax inside away from the heat for a little while.

It’s been crazy hot here for June!
It was Cory’s first day back at his office after more than 15 months working from home.
The kids were so little when he started working from home, Emmy was only 1 and Cannon was 3! I bet they don’t remember when he used to work in the office. Hopefully we will all adjust to Cory being gone for so many house and not having lunch with us anymore.

When Cory got home we celebrated his return by having frozen Margaritas (the kids had limeade slushies) in the back yard. We are lucky that our back deck is shaded in the evening so it’s tolerable to eat outside. On the 101 degree day I think we will enjoy the AC =)
What are your summer days like?
Has the heat come on strong?
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