For the last couple days my runs have been indoors because we had big snow storm on Sunday and very cold temperatures today.

On Sunday we visited my parents in the morning then stayed home and watched the snow pile up the rest of the day.

We made homemade chowder, snuggled and tried on costumes. Emmy is very happy about her Cinderella accessories.

Today Cannon’s school was cancelled so I got to hang out with him all day!

We shoveled the driveway and played in the snow for a bit before we got too cold and came in to watch Spookly.

We played inside and tried not to get too bored.

We made a fun lunch of Jack-o-lantern quesadillas, guacamole and ghouls.

Emmy is now trying to convince us that she needs a big girl bed.

She pretended to sleep in Cannon’s bed to show us how good she would do. I am dreading the day we have to move her out of hew crib. Parents, when do kids start sleeping? Crib life for as long as possible!
I will be heading to bed early tonight, my alarm is set for very early so I can get up and run on the treadmill (again)
[…] looked back at a post from around this time last year, where the kids were so much smaller, I was talking about keeping […]