I finally got it all together and got outside for my morning run, I can feel that things are changing and summer is coming.

The sunrise is nice and early so I don’t have to worry about my headlamp or running in the dark and I am loving it!

I had a few peaceful minuets to sit on our porch and relax before heading inside to take on the morning hustle with the kids.

It was such a beautiful day, Emmy and I spent all day outside, playing with friends at the playground, walking and picking “flowers”. It’s so fun to see our time outside each day creeping up. In January/February we were averaging around 0-1 hours a day. Now it’s easy to get between 4-6 hours because we are playing outside, eating our meals outside and meeting friends at playgrounds.
After Cannon came home from school we ate lunch in the trailer at Emmy’s request. We are taking a trip the Great Sand Dunes National Park this weekend and the kids are very excited to get out and adventure. I hope they always stay this excited to get out in nature with us!

The rest of the afternoon we spent playing upstairs in the loft while I packed up their clothes and grabbed some groceries.
I saw on instagram the Mike McKnight is posting a film of his transformation and his taking on the Colorado Trail FKT. If you want to see some incredible trails, this would be something to watch!
Seen anything inspirational lately? I can’t wait for the May 27th premier! Although the idea of low carb running makes me a little sad….clearly it’s working for Mike =)
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