We snuck in one last family adventure 2020 by visiting Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. This amazing place is just a little over a hour from our home and well worth the trip.

If you ever visit Colorado it’s deffinitly worth a visit.

We have been here before but not since I was pregnant with Emmy, so we were long overdue for another visit.

It’s incredibly beautiful here.

There are great hiking trails around the rock formations. We hiked about two miles through the middle section but there are many more trails if you wanted a longer adventure.

It was a little icy and Emmy fell a couple times because she has only two speeds, carry me or run as fast as she can.

We made it home in time for a movie night. We are loving our new couch that basically turns into a bed.

We made some yummy food, popped some champagne and got ready to ring in the new year.

Thank goodness for Netflix and their kids countdowns. We celebrated the new year at 7PM and then put the kiddos to bed, they didn’t think they were missing out on anything.

Next year I hope we are off somewhere other than home celebrating the new year!
Cheers to the new year, what did you do to celebrate?
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