Today is one of my favorite days of the week because Cannon doesn’t have school so we get to hang out all day together. It’s nice to have a lazy morning and then go to the park to hang out with friends.

We took a lap around the lake then played at the playground.

It was such a beautiful morning.

On our way home we dropped by the ballot drop-box so I could officially turn in my vote.
We had lunch and nap time at home, Emmy has been napping around 12:30-2:30 most days.
After naps we made pumpkin bread together.

It’s fun to bake together….

but it also takes three times as long……but I mean, look at that face.

The bread turned out well so we took some over to my parents to share.

This bread is the perfect pre-run fuel!
We then made our favorite clam chowder for dinner.

Now off to get things ready for my long-ish mid week run tomorrow.
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