How did three weeks slip by? Time seems to accelerate the closer I get to an Ironman. Life becomes eat, train, eat, work, eat, train, eat, sleep, repeat. Sometimes I can slip in some laundry (sometimes) housework (rarely) and downtime (what’s that?)
But it’s all fun, it feels so good to see my training peaks calendar fill up with workouts and then tick them off one by one. I was able to take a four day weekend at the end of last week so I asked coach for a training camp like weekend. It was much more fun to think of the weekend as a camp vs. just another weekend training. We made an agenda and planned our routes so we knew what we *planning* on doing. The weather here in Boulder was less than ideal but it could have been much worse!
It will be too boring to go over daily workouts for three weeks so I will just go over some of the highlights:
12 weeks to go was a little light since we traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico to attend my graduation. The plan was to get some good training in over the weekend and we even schlepped our bikes with us but with terrible weather and no trainers we gave up on the idea and just celebrated mother’s day with my mom. Got in 9 hours of training before leaving town.

Thanks for being so stinkin awesome mom! You have always been an inspiration. Strong, determined, brilliant and fierce. If I can be 50% as awesome as you when I grow up I will be happy. Happy Mothers Day!
11 weeks to go was a little more productive, after driving back from New Mexico I got back into some workouts with good focus and intensity including:
The longest swim of year so far (4,000+ yds)
All bike rides on the trainer (come on summer)

Love watching @ethannewberry and @kimberleydt on ginger runner live from my trainer. Congrats Ethan on the amazing wife and 100k #inspiration
Long run turned because of flooding
Totaling about 15 hours and a lot of focused work
10 weeks to go was the biggest week so far because of the long weekend. All workouts are getting longer now meaning that the alarm is creeping closer to 4:00am and getting later at night. But it’s not too bad since this week (9 weeks to go) is the last biggish week (17 hours planned) before a little taper and recovery for Boulder 70.3.

67 days until @ironmantri Canada. Good thing I have this little bean to help me with yoga #IMCanada #IMTraining #daisythechihuahua

Last workout of the day done! Lots of wildlife out, pelicans, great blue heron, bunnies and one wild pug #IMTraining #IMCanada #WinstonThePug #ironpug

Bluebird skies this morning so at least I got three hours on the bike before thunder chased us inside. Back on the trainer 62 days until Ironman Canada #IMTraining

61 days until #IMCanada so many miles to ride can’t believe it’s so close! #IMTraining #teamsoas @ironmancanada

Mid ride break, thinking today about all who have served especially Grandpa Curtis. I wish I could have met you and heard your stories #grateful
Then it will be one last big push for IM Canada – here we go!!!
It looks like your training is going well! Have you been doing much training on hills in prep for the bike course? What has been your longest ride thus far? I can’t believe it is only a couple months away – you must be getting so fired up. Crossing my fingers that you will have nothing but sunshine and clear road from now until race day!! Good luck out there!!