No I don’t mean the CrossFit Box, but Someday I would love to try it out. I mean out of my gym, it had been crazy cold in Colorado lately but when Saturdays high was forecasted to be 57 degrees I was stoked to get out on my bike. I even got to try out my new Zoot Knickers that Cory got my for Christmas, I loved them, they kept me nice and warm and I fel lie less of a goob then when I used to put running tights over bike shorts.
Cory and I did an easy 50 mile out and back to from Broomfield to Boulder. It was awesome to see SO many other cyclists out on the road.
Today we set out for a 13 mile easy run, it was awesome to breathe easy and not have to bundle up for once.
The Nuun giveaway goes to Live4endurance (I used if you haven’t checked out this blog you should, I haven’t read a lot yet but he has some pretty great posts and is only 16!!! Live4endurance (I couldn’t find your name) please email me your adress at bethcn at gmail dot com and I will send your nuun to you.
Happy weekend everyone, I will be enjoying one more day of a long weekend happily.
It is 9 degrees here, so cold, any skin expose hurts!!