I can’t believe April is half over already, somehow time is crawling and speeding by at the same time. I do have to keep track of what day it is so I know when I am teaching and also when important dates are. But after Emmy’s birthday on Sunday I will probably forget what the date is.
Currently Getting Ready For – Emmy’s second birthday. It’s definitely not going to be what I envisioned for her but we will do our best to celebrate this special little girl.

Currently Loving – Running in the light! The mornings are so much lighter and now that Cory doesn’t have to commute I can run a little later in the morning.

Currently Attempting– To do “Homeschool” with these kiddos. Even though I am a teacher, I teach adults so this is a completely different ball game.

Currently Eating – Outdoors as much as possible. This was short lived as we are getting 8 inches of snow by tomorrow night.
Currently Wearing – this Ginger Runner “buff” as a face covering, it much more comfortable than you might think.

Currently Visiting – We can’t hand out with my parents but their dog was really missing “his kids” so he came over for a play date and it was very sweet.

Currently Choosing – A grey to paint our kitchen cabinets, it’s been much harder than anticipated. Who wants to be my interior designer?!?

What’s current with you?
How are you holding up in these times?
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