This past month has flown by! So many fun things happen this time of year and Emmy is changing so fast. We had the best time celebrating Halloween this year. I don’t know if this girl could be any happier, she is smiling all the time and has the best laugh.
At seven months Emerald is 28 inches long (94% ) and 17 lbs 7 oz (57%) BMI 17%. Emmy is wearing size 3 diapers, and has grown out of most of her 6 month clothes. It’s so sad to pull her cute little outfits that she is just too tall for.
This last month we started to try solids with Emmy. We were a little surprised when she didn’t take to it like Cannon did.
Right at 6 months Cannon started feeding himself solids and loved it but Emmy was definitely not as interested and when we tried to help her she would just spit everything out. It took us a while to notice that Emmy’s tongue thrust reflex was still really strong. Over the month she has shown interest in food but can’t keep any food in her mouth and her gag reflex still seems really far forward. After a little research (google) it seems that most babies lose these characteristics around 4 months but it’s not uncommon to not lose them until 8-9 months old. Our pediatrician wasn’t concerned and encouraged us to just keep offering her food and eventually she should be eating like a champ.
Overnight sleep is still a solid 10-11 hours but we are still working on getting into a nap routine during the day. On some days we are fighting very short naps that lead to short amounts of awake time. I would really like to get her on a nap schedule but also want to honor her needs as well. This last week Emerald has been fighting a cold and has needed a little extra sleep during the day.
Emerald has become a very solid sitter and loves to watch the world and play with toys sitting upright.
She is also getting herself up on her hands and knees, scooting and rolling all over. Gone are the days you could lay her on a blanket and have her stay put!
It is so much fun to play with Emerald. She is much more into playing with toys than Cannon ever was. She loves traditional baby toys like rattles and toys that light up. She also really loves Tickle Me Elmo, it’s so cute to see her cuddle stuffed animals.
We had the best time dressing up for Halloween. We decided to dress up as Wizard of Oz characters. Cannon was the cutest lion and Emmy was Dorothy, she was so cute I couldn’t take it!
We had a few chances to dress up but I am already sad that I won’t be able to pick their costumes for much longer.
All of the holidays are so fun to celebrate with Emmy!
This little pumpkin is just the best! She loves to give kisses and hugs and has the best laugh. I just can’t get enough of this munchkin.
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