Six Months….half a year, somehow it seems like she just got here and like she has always been here at the same time. I know I am biased but I think she is the sweetest, best baby ever, Cannon was a fairly easy fun baby but Emmy finds ways to be even easier.
At six months Emerald is 27.25 inches long (94% ) and 16 lbs 14 oz (66%) BMI 26%. Emmy is wearing size 3 diapers, and mostly 3-6 months clothes but the pants are often too short so we are starting to transition to 6-9 month clothes. I can’t believe she is SO tall!
Emerald continues to nurse and take a bottle like a champ. We are going to do Baby Led Weaning with Emmy like we did with Cannon.
Emmy’s overnight sleep is very solid, I do often wake her up early to nurse her before morning workouts but she goes right back to sleep snuggling with her daddy. When we are home she is on a pretty solid 3 nap a day schedule, with the longest nap happening mid day. The length of each nap is still a bit variable so I am looking forward to that becoming more predictable in the coming months.
We continue to work on tummy time and sitting with Emmy.
She is getting stronger and stronger. Every night she flips onto her tummy and scoots all over her crib.
During tummy time she flips and scoots all over, I don’t know how long we have until she is up and crawling.
Her hair is going through a bit of an awkward phase so we tried out pulling it up. I can’t believe I will being doing little girl hair most days!
Emmy loves nothing more than playing with her brothers (Human and Bulldog)
If she isn’t within reach of the boys she is watching them. She loves to give both Cannon and Humphry hugs and kisses.
Grandma and Grandpa joined us at the pumpkin patch. Cannon has the best time this year, he really seems to be getting the idea of holidays. Emerald was a champ, hanging out in the rain and picking pumpkins.
We also took Emmy into the pool for the first time and she really seems to enjoy being in the water. She is always surprised when she splashes herself in the face.
Later in the month we got our first flurries of snow. I took Emerald outside to see the snow and was surprised in how much she loved it.
A few days later we got some serious snow and took the kids out to play, Emmy loved every minute!
She made snow angels, rode on the sled, and watcher her brother play.
This girl continues to surprise me on how amazing she is, I feel so so lucky to be her mama and just want to make her feel how special she is.
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