For a little over a week now my right quad has been hurting me, nothing terrible but it was a new pain so I have been keeping tabs on it. It only hurt a bit after my race on Sunday so I wasn’t worried at all about it, but last night it started hurting worse and I woke up this morning with it still feeling bad. I decided to push my brick back until tomorrow, and I will only do that if it feels better. I am so worried about being injured, so many people are injured right now, so many bloggers are taking forced time off of running, I really want to be careful and not make things worse. I did go to the gym this morning to try to go for an easy run but my leg was hurting and I was feeling crappy anyway so I only made it about 3 miles before quitting. I went home, iced my leg and wrapped it in an ace bandage for the rest of the day.
I am going to try to do everything I can to help this leg heal quickly. Hopefully Taking a couple days off will do the trick and I can run my planned 22 miles this weekend.
I recently started reading a new blog called Carrots N Cake, I was originally attracted to the blog because she frequently posts about her adorable pug. I am a little obsessed with pugs, Mr. Winston thinks that’s only natural.
But she has some other great posts too, yesterday she wrote about training for a marathon and gaining weight. It was exactly what I needed to read. I haven’t been gaining weight, but I sure as heck haven’t lost any! It’s so easy to think I can eat whatever I want because I am working out so much, people even tell me that I can. But it’s a lot easier to eat 1,000 calories than it is to burn them! On to better things as I keep my feet elevated at work. Do you think that my co workers will think I am rude?