Workout: 6 mile tempo run (2 miles at 11 mm, 2 miles at 9mm and 2 miles at 10.5 mm)
Not sure what pace I should run for my 5 mile race on Saturday. I ran a 5k in December in 26 something, first two miles around 8mm and the third mile at 10mm. I suffered an asthma attack in the last mile and really slowed down. For this race I would like to avoid that by not going out too fast. I think I would like to hit between 8:30 and 9mm splits.
As I am packing up to head back to CO tomorrow I laid out my travel clothes including my Zoot compressions socks.
My feet have a tendency to swell when I travel so I got these compression socks to help and they feel good to run in Don’t ask me what I am doing in this picture, I’m not really sure.
I also have a pair of Smart Wool compression socks:
I like them booth and I am thinking about buying some compression tights.
Do you have compression gear and do you think it helps? Any recommendations for compression tights?