Last Night I made a mistake, of possibly the best kind.
After dinner I really wanted something else so I turned to Pinterest of course. I found this recipe for a chocolate chip cookie in a mug.

It took about 10 minutes to whip some up for the entire family. The kids and I really loved them. Cory said they were just okay. Cory prefers the consistency of a real cookie and this was more fluffy like a cake.

The kids loved them! I pulled theirs out of the mugs so they would cool down. They were bigger than I expected and the kids didn’t finish theirs so next time I would make just one for them to share.

Please excuse the extreme mess, Emmy is in a very messy stage and we basically need to pressure wash the house after every meal.

Cannon gives me the weirdest faces every times I ask him to smile.

The only issue here is that the ingredients are things we almost always have on hand. It will be a challenge not to want to make one everyday.
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