The last two week have been a whirlwind! How is it that we are approaching the end of June!?! For week 11 I was focused on getting all my runs in and made acceptable progress. Last week was a scheduled recovery week. I don’t know that I have ever welcomed a recovery week more than this last week! It was Cannon’s third birthday on Monday and we had lots of activities planned, it was nice to focus on work and family and just let running take a backseat for a week. I feel so refreshed and ready to get back at it after taking the week EASY. I did run everyday to keep the streak alive but somedays it was just a mile or two =)
This is how the last two weeks went down:
Monday: Late night treadmill run of just over a mile. This was one of those runs that was not that fun but just to keep the streak alive.
Tuesday: Up early to run 4 miles around the lake, I love the early sunrise of these summer days. Added some strides into the last mile to get the legs moving.

Wednesday: Four miles again in the morning, this time searching for hills.

Thursday: 6 miles on the treadmill to fit in miles before Cory headed to work. It is possible I will need to start getting up earlier to get longer mid-week runs in.
Friday: Cory had the day off of work and could spend the morning with the kids so I drove to Boulder to run on the trails. The views are INCREDIBLE!
16 miles on the trails felt great, excited about what lies ahead as the miles increase. Also I am going to have to figure out how to refill my pack mid-run. About 16 miles in the heat is my limit so trips back to the car or something will have to be worked out.
Saturday: Out early for a quick 10 miles around the neighborhood.

Sunday: Since it was Father’s Day I didn’t want to be away from family. We had the best day planned doing some of our favorite things:
Hiking/jogging around turquoise lake in Leadville
We then spent the rest of the day eating pizza, and hanging out with family
Totals: 44 miles running – I was hoping for a few more miles but it was worth it to get some quality family time in for Father’s Day.
Week 11
Monday: It was Cannon’s birthday, and I was so happy to get to spend the day with him! I piled the kids into the double for a quick run.
I didn’t get very far before a friend let me know that there was A BEAR IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! This photo was taken less than a mile from where we were so we cut it short and headed home for a total of 1.7 miles.
We do live in Colorado so it’s not at all surprising to see owls, rabbits, coyotes and prairie dogs but bears are pretty crazy!
Tuesday: I wanted to get some strength training in so I did a quick 1.25 miles on the treadmill as warm up then did some strength work.
Wednesday: 4 miles around the lake.
Thursday: 3 early morning miles with the sunrise. I am enjoying these shorter miles this week but also looking forward to ramping it back up.
Friday: Quick 1.5 mile warm up on the treadmill before strength training.
Saturday: Late night treadmill run, I am not a great evening runner, once the kids are down I am ready to crash but I didn’t get up early so 9pm was my only time to run – the streak continues.
Sunday: Last easy day so we went with a hilly 1.72 hike/run

Totals: 14.3 miles this week plus a couple strength training sessions. I don’t know if it is advisable to cut it back THAT much when training for an ultra but with Cannon’s birthday on Monday and prepping for his party on Saturday it was nice to put running on the back burner and focus on other things. I feel refreshed and ready to go after it for the next big block!
How is your training going? Happy Running!
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