Hooray for Friday!!! We don’t have a lot going on this weekend and I am excited that we can get some projects done.

A little school in PJs because that is more fun. I am loving Cannon’s Christmas Tree snack tray from Target. Cannon finished up his math curriculum so we will spend a little time making sure he is super solid before moving into the next level.

We are reading all the Thanksgiving books, cuddling and enjoying time together.

It’s still really icy and VERY cold out so I did my run on the treadmill while the kids had their down time. I watched some Leadville vlogs, which I love! Just three miles and some PT for me. So far I am happy with how my running is progressing, slow and steady.

After the kids went to bed I set up for our Elf on the Shelf arrival. It’s a bit early and a very unpopular opinion but I love Elf on the Shelf and thinking of fun things for them to do every day. If you hate it or choose not to participate, I totally understand. I will show more of what the elves brought tomorrow.
Do you have any unpopular opinions?
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