I have been really trying to love winter this year, but it’s still January and I am already starting to fail. I have been dreaming of dinners in the back yard, play dates at the playground, dry trails to run on, etc. It didn’t help that today was gloomy and I definitely haven’t been outside enough lately.

We had some fun with letter bingo, Emmy is doing so well with her letters and sounds that she has been asking to start reading.

We started her out on some BoB books and she is loving it.

She also bashed into the doorway this morning and gave herself a nice line of a bruise on her cheek. After lunch we decided we needed some time outside even though it was really cold out.

Outside time always makes things better.

When Cory got home we played a game (ticket to ride for kids) which was fun but a little challenging for the kids. We had clam chowder and sourdough for dinner before bed time.
How are you handling winter? Naturally love it? Any tips for thriving?
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