I grew up in Oregon so dealing with the rain usually isn’t a big deal to me. I actually love running in the rain, but cycling is another story. You see I didn’t start cycling until I moved to Colorado.
I did know how to ride a bike and owned a hybrid bike, but I rarely used it unless on vacation and NEVER in the rain. Since starting triathlon I have spent a lot more time on my bike. Lucky for me it doesn’t rain very often here in Colorado
This weekend will be a different story, we have a storm rolling through and I don’t think that rain will be avoided.
With 80 miles on the schedule I don’t think I will be attempting a 5 hour trainer ride, so it’s time to suck it up buttercup and ride in the rain.
Do you ride in the rain or head indoors?
Any fun plans for the weekend? I am running a 9k with my mom on mother’s day and I can’t wait!
We ride MOSTLY in the rain – Feb through May – before Pac Crest. I never used to even think about running or riding outdoors but now I prefer it – even in snow, hail, rain – whatever. Don’t get me wrong – I prefer THE SUN!! …but you know that’s not what we mostly get in Portland :p
I’m doing Barking Dog Du tomorrow. Unless it’s below 45 and steady rain. Sorry to be a wimp but I do this for fun and racing in freezing cold rain isn’t my idea of fun!
Have a great ride 🙂
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will be nicer on Sunday when I plan about 50 miles. :)If it’s not…well we will see.
i did a 3 hour ride in a nasty storm a couple months back and i won’t lie, it sucked! but there was no way i was gonna do that on a trainer. you just have to dress appropriately and go for it! and afterwards you feel pretty badass : )
I’ll ride in the rain if I have to because it started raining during the ride. That’s led to riding in pouring rain, hail (ouch) and even snow. I probably won’t start a ride if it’s raining. Bad weather doesn’t last long here and the next day is likely to be sunny. Or at least not raining.
Good for you for getting out there in the rain! I live in Oregon so I pretty much don’t ride from November until March. But I don’t mind riding in a little rain in the Spring. 5 hours on a trainer would not be fun! I’m heading out for a metric century and a run this morning!
Let me be clear that normally I would hide inside under a blanket and NEVER ride in cold/rainy weather but with IM so close some things need to get done!
Hope the ride went smoothly with minimal rain! Living in Alberta, I usually have to ride in the cold. If it’s full-on raining I’d probably take to the trainer or switch my workouts around to avoid it!