We are excited to ease into love season. Not that we shouldn’t celebrate love everyday but Valentines makes it extra fun.

We dug out the kids’ mail boxes, I like to put little love notes inside for them.

We enjoyed some time playing at the indoor playground before school drop off. It was nice and quiet when we were there. When I went back at noon to pick up Emmy from school another parent described the playground as looking like an anthill because there were so many little children crawling everywhere.

We spent some time grocery shopping and preparing for our snow storm. I am not sure how much snow we will actually get but it’s good to be prepared.

One thing we do to prepare is spend some time outside on scooters since the sidewalks will be snowy/icy for at least a few days. We love the kids’ Nutcase helmets, on cold days we just have them wear their ski balaclava under their helmet. Their down jackets from LL Bean have also been amazing, very packable, warm, and flexible.

We grabbed some valentines for Cannon’s class because he loved them.

Then it was time for Emmy’s gymnastics. She is loving it so much and seems like something she might like to continue. Then home for a quick dinner and bed time.
It may not seem like much but these really are the good old days.
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