I was reminded once again via podcast that starting your day with 20 minutes outside near nature will make almost everything better.
So we go out early for a walk, hoping we can continue this practice that is so good for all of us.
When we got home there was a giant truck in the street with a front loader delivering the pavers for our patio.
I can’t wait to see it all done and get our back yard back. We are about 1.5 weeks in and it’s supposed to take three weeks….we’ll see.
Then Cannon had a field trip for school so Emmy and I tagged along.
We visited the Butterfly Pavilion.
We got to take a class on insects’ life cycles and the kids really enjoyed getting to hold and investigate the animals.
We spent some time visiting the exhibits and Cannon held Rosy the tarantula.
When we got home we had a quick lunch and I finally cleaned off our chalk board that is still has Cannon’s birthday art from June (yikes). It was sad to clean this one off, we all loved it so much.
We had some friends coming over and I had some Halloween snacks I needed to clear out so I mad a quick snack board and the kids had fun all afternoon.
Then we put together our Thanksgiving Book Nook.
I’m loving changing up our seasonal books. We get most of books from the library but like to add to our collection each year. I am thinking about buying “Over the River and Through the Woods” and “Thanksgiving in the Woods”.
Do you have Thanksgiving books you love? Are you hanging on to fall/Thanksgiving or getting straight into Christmas?
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