Happy Easter to everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day regardless if you celebrate or not.

We gave the kiddos their Easter Baskets this morning because we wanted them to have some time to enjoy them before we left for our trip. We will still do an Easter Egg hunt in the morning.

I tried to do mainly useful items in their baskets with a couple treats and little toys.

They loved their baskets and can’t wait for the Easter Bunny to come tonight.

Normally we have soccer all morning on Saturdays.

This week Cannon’s team had a bye week so it was just Emmy who had a game. It was fun seeing her play but also nice because we had a lot to get done.
We spent the rest of the day racing around getting ready for our spring break trip. We were too sick and it was too snowy to go during our spring break in March so we moved it back three weeks and now we get to go! Cannon won’t miss any school because it’s testing week, his grade doesn’t test yet. Emmy will miss school but we think it’s worth it for the adventure.

We took some breaks to dye eggs and have fun but mostly it was trip prep today.
What are your plans for the weekend? Ever had to reschedule a trip?
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