I took a rest day today as my legs were not feeling good last night and I want to be very careful.
As with many days recently it was hot and smoky.

I really hope those 70 degree happen, that would be so nice!
We stayed home to try to get things a little in order. My parents did come over with their dogs for a bit for a play date. Their puppy is pretty timid and it’s really hard to get her socialized with Covid.

During nap time Cannon and I ran out to get his hair cut. His last cut was in February, we decided to just let it grow.

I love it long and floppy but it makes him touch his face all the time and it’s hard for him to put his mask on with all that hair over his ears. So for safety sake we decided it needed a cut.

Then we ran to the store to pick out a first day of school outfit and drop some things off at the post office. It’s really nice being able to leave Emmy home napping while Cory works. We made it home before she woke up.
Cannon’s school was having a fundraiser at a local pizza shop so it was pizza and a movie for dinner. It was nice to cuddle and celebrate the end of summer.
Is your state on fire? It’s so sad to see so much beautiful land on fire.
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