Skipping Thanksgiving has begun to feel like a tradition in itself now. In 2019 we had a stomach bug so we stayed home and ate saltines instead of turkey.
In 2020 we had a full thanksgiving meal by ourselves because of the pandemic. Last year we actually got to be with family and it was amazing.
This year we were planning on running a Turkey Trot and do family dinner at my parent’s house. We won’t be doing either since Cannon has gotten really sick and it is starting to hit the rest of us =(

This is what the kids looked like the last time we did an official turkey trot in 2018.

Instead of going on the playdates we had planned we stayed home, watched movies and built legos. Not what we want but still being together is always good.

Resting and taking in lots of fluids.
I think we should get a do-over Thanksgiving sometime, I also hope that we don’t have to cancel too many plans next week!
[…] we are mostly skipping Thanksgiving this year we will still make the most of the […]