When we started the school year I thought that Thursdays would be my “easiest” day. I don’t have to teach and both kids are in school. I assumed I would have lots of time to get things done. As it turns out it’s always my busiest day.

On this Thursday Cory dropped Emmy off at her school while I was dropping off Cannon. They both love their schools this year.

I did find time to do some Christmas shopping.

Megna-Tiles are the most played with toy in our house!
I also found these little star sippers in the Target dollar spot, perfect for New Years or kids that love Mario.

I spend most of the afternoon running around in the car picking up the kids from school. I did fit a couple miles in on the treadmill between all the driving. I really need to get before the kids get up on Thursdays so I can be sure to get my run and PT in. I always think I will have more time than I actually do.

I spent the evening trying to figure out skiing this season. Cory and I grew up in Portland and didn’t ski much and have never been skiing in Colorado so this is all new to us. I have wanted to get us all started skiing for the last couple years it all seems kind of overwhelming to me. I got over myself and finally found a place to get season long rentals and also season passes to a ski resort. We could have gotten Cannon a free pass if we had been on it earlier this year but I was too busy planning for the school year and France so we are paying a bit more this year. I am very excited to get up to the mountains and start experiencing what Colorado is most famous for.
Do you ski or snowboard? At what age did you or your kids start skiing?
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