I hesitate to use the word quarantine in this post because we are not truly quarantined, we are still allowed to leave our house. I just doesn’t feel like social distancing accurately describes what we are doing either.

We do leave our house most days for walks around the neighborhood or short trips in the car but most of the time we are staying safe at home.
Early on in the quarantine we had a scare that we might have caught Covid-19
Cannon and I both seemed to have symptoms that could have been Covid-19 (headache, cough, fever, runny nose, etc) but could easily be a common cold as well. We called the nurse line and they encouraged us to come in. We were hesitant to go in and risk more exposure but decided to risk it to get tested. Cannon was terrified of the staff in PPE and was pretty traumatized. We also didn’t get a test because they didn’t have any and you had to be so bad you needed hospitalization to get a test. The entire thing was pointless and scary. The doctor said there was no way to know for sure if we had it but it was probably a common cold.
Most days I get up early to run so I can focus on the kids the rest of the day. We then have a lazier than usual breakfast before Cory heads to work (home office). Usually I will spend a little time cleaning up while the kids have free play time. Early in the day they seem to be able to entertain themselves best and I can get a few things done. But that doesn’t last long.
Something that has increased a lot lately is coffee consumption. With both Cory and I home drinking coffee all day it’s killing the pot fast.

When free time is over we “walk to school”. I used to walk Cannon to school before in the stroller so this feels right and gets some energy out. We go out for a walk, come home and get to work.
We try to get some “schooling” in but with a preschooler and toddler we usually just focus on learning through play, like finding bugs in the backyard, counting and reading books.

Cannon did get to have a Zoom call with his teacher and classmates.

The best days are when we get to be outside and play in the yard.
We celebrated my Mom’s birthday with social distancing. We baked her a cake (Cannon decorated it). And sang her happy birthday from their porch.

They are so sad not to see their grandparents but were happy to eat cake.

There has also been a fair amount of screen time…..helps ME keep my sanity. Thank goodness for Disney+ (shout out to my big brother that got us our subscription for Christmas).
Overall I am SO grateful my husband can work from home, that I can be home with our kiddos and still keep my job. I am so happy that our family remains healthy and we will get through this together, even while we are apart.

How is quarantine going for you?
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