Isn’t it time to start planning for 2012 races! I know that it may seem crazy but it’s weird to me to not have a race lined up. The only thing I am signed up for is Coeur d’Alene and that almost 9 months away. I will probably take October completely off of racing since it is already so busy. Here are the things I am interested in doing:
1. A turkey trot fun run (a must!) we will probably run the Anthem 10k since that is where my parents just bought their new house. I ran it last year, the course is beautiful and challenging.
2. A winter series, the last two years I have ran the winter distance series. This is a well run series and I enjoyed running the progressive series (5k, 5m, 10m) but I am getting a little bored with it too. I am considering the Chilly Cheeks duathlon series. It seems fun but riding my bike in the snow is intimidating and I would have to ride my mountain bike, bleh. Both series have races in December, January and February.
3. I would like a winter half marathon, I am thinking February or March, I am willing to travel but hopefully not too far from home. Any Suggestions?
4. We need a spring tune up half ironman, I am considering the RAGE 70.3 in vegas some time mid April, anyone raced this?
5. A late spring marathon. Last year Cory and I ran the Colorado Marathon and had a great time but I would like to run a different race.
6. CDA Ironman, already signed up….this is going to happen!
7. A summer or early fall ultra marathon, I am not sure yet I will want to talk to coach Charley about timing and ironman recovery.
I am already so excited about next year, I really hope that between having a coach and physical therapy I will be able to reach all my goals with no injuries.
I am off to help my parents move into their house, glad we aren’t in heavy training now!
How far in advance do you plan your races?
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