It’s been a quiet week around here and I am looking forward to getting back to a routine and getting out a bit more.
We have enjoyed playing in our backyard now that it isn’t covered in snow and we are feeling better. Emmy was explaining why she should be able to go over and play with the Huskies next door.

Cannon has been practicing his letters.
Cannon had gotten back into online learning but we are excited for him to go back in person next week!

Cannon had an emergency dental visit. He bashed his tooth on the ledge of his window over a month ago and one of his front teeth started to turn dark. I was pretty freaked out but Google actually helped me calm down. It’s like the tooth has a bruise and because it’s a baby tooth it will most likely just heal on it’s own.

Emerald is growing up way too fast, she looks six to me in this picture. She has also started to give up her nap.
With Cannon going back to school next week and getting back to a more normal routine I want to start Adventure Wednesdays. Cannon doesn’t have school and I don’t work on Wednesdays so I want to start planning little outings for just the three of us, Cory still has to work. Normally I would do things like museums or zoos, etc but with Covid we are still trying not to have too much exposure. So it’s my job to find little adventure that I can handle both kids doing and be covid safe.

We are enjoying some very mild weather so we want to get out and enjoy it!

Today I was blown away by all the hope, class and dignity. I was mostly in awe of Amanda Gorman, what an amazing soul.
Any suggestions for mini adventures?
I hope you find peace and an abundance of happiness today!
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