We thought we had lost our GoPro skiing on Sunday, then I found it tucked away in our car, feeling like a really lucky girl!

Don’t you just love when things like this happen!

We hit up the car wash in the afternoon, don’t mind all of the junk in the back of my car. We need to take it to donate, but instead I will just drive around with it in my car for a month. Do you do that or are you on top of your stuff?

I am so excited that the kids have been getting into Harry Potter because I love Harry Potter and we are planning on going to Universal in October.

I really loved THIS episode of Everyday Ultra about fitting ultra training into everyday life. Joe’s time management tips are good but what he said about identity is what I loved the most. Towards the end of the podcast Joe mentions that we should start to identify with who we want to be. That as humans it’s really powerful what we identify as. Joe comments that we should should identify as an ultra runner that is consistent with our running and then it’s easier to actually be that. I love this idea, and now I am going to try to identify with what I want to be rather than what I think I am now.
So please tell me, who ARE you? I want to cheer you on!
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