Another 4 A.M. wake up call to get on the treadmill.

I am enjoying my morning routine of stretching, rolling and drinking coffee before running. So far so good with the 4 AM challenge but I think the weekend will be the real test. Also those Birks are my all time favorite!
The morning remained ideal when both kids wanted to walk to school with me!

It was a beautiful morning!

Emmy really thinks she is ready to go to school!

But I am NOT ready for her to go so we walked down and met some friends at a playground insted.

I have been talking a lot about our goal to spend more time outside and the idea of 1000 hours outside.
I love to track everything for running and many other things so it just made sense to me that we would start tracking our time outside. I made a quick spreadsheet so now we have a quantitative measure of how we are doing on our goal. I am not obsessively tracking every minute just rounding time spent outside.

In general we want to hit about 84 hours outside each month to meet our goal. In January we only got to 42 hours (I probably missed some time because I was just estimating by memory, and this blog). We are behind on our goal so far but I am hopeful that we will make up for that in the spring, summer and fall when it’s much easier to be outside. There will be long hours outside when we are camping.
Do you like to track things?
What is your ideal morning? It’s supposed to snow this week and I am hopeful that I can get out and run in it in the dark.
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