Today was Cannon’s first day back to school. He is in his second year of preschool. He has the same teacher and a couple of the same kids from last year. He marched into class like such a big boy knowing exactly what to do. I am so so proud of him, while I miss the little baby he was he is such a cool little boy now.

We took the required first day pictures with his board. I love this board from Chalk Designs by Me.
Cory joined us for our walk to school. Things are a little different this year that the kids don’t get to play together on the playground before or after school. It’s a bummer for Emmy who LOVED playing with her friends there every day. The classes are also split in half so there is only six kiddos in Cannon’s class and they are all boys!

He looks so different than last year!
Drop off was very weird and quiet since preschoolers are the only students going to school, all the other students are remote learning for now.

Emmy walked all the way home and then we didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Most of our friends have older kids home distance learning, we can’t go to museums or libraries or gyms so I am going to have to get creative on how to keep Emmy entertained and socialized.
After picking up Cannon from school the kids got a treat for both rocking their first day.
They both love these Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwiches (they split one).
For the rest of the day we played outside and even prepped dinner on the deck.
I had a class to teach so after dinner I tucked myself away in the office while Cory got the kids ready for bed.

During my classes break I got to come up and say goodnight to Cannon. Cory was reading him the Giving Tree. I avoid reading that book because I can’t get through it without crying.

Any books make you cry?
Read any great books lately?
[…] Fall 2020 […]