I can’t believe March is over! Usually March goes by very slowly as I am so ready for spring but we are still dealing with lots of snow. This year being out of town for the last part of March made it speed by. I think April might scream by as well since we have lots to celebrate and do.
Currently Loving – Spending so much time in our trailer, we spent 11 days out of this month traveling and visiting new places. We are figuring out how to live in the trailer and loving more time outside. We won’t always get to spend this much time away on adventures so we very much enjoyed it while we could.

Currently Going – We started visiting our local swimming pool again and the kids love it so much! I can’t wait to get them back in swimming lessons.
Currently Researching – Our next trip! We have many trips planned for the summer but want to get something planned for April and May.

Currently Shopping For – Emmy’s upcoming third birthday. I can’t believe she is going to be three and this will be her second birthday during Covid. Her only normal birthday was her first birthday, honestly that makes me a little sad.

Luckily she rolls with it and finds happiness everyday.
Currently Dreaming About- The world getting better and starting whatever our “new normal” will be. Cory and I were able to start the vaccination process and feel so grateful and hopeful.

Currently Running – On the treadmill on dark mornings, but I am so excited to start gettin back outside. It’s getting lighter, warmer and less icy out!

Currently Working On – We are happily working on our 1000 hours outside and 52 hikes challenges. We have enjoyed approximately 100 hours outside and 12 hikes. This month was easy to rack up the hours because of our trip, hopefully as the weather gets warmer we will be spending more afternoons/evenings in the backyard.

What’s current with you?
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