It’s really starting to feel like spring around here and I am very excited. I am all about more time outside, more walking to school and more meals outside!

Cannon was a bit confused about why he needed his winter jacket and a hat this morning when it is supposed to be 70 today but it was below freezing at school drop off.
The weather the next week is beyond nice, I wonder if we will get any more snow this year.

New month new goals! I didn’t quite make all of my goals last month so many are the same….try, try again!

April Goals
- At least 84 hours outside, more would be better to get caught up on our 1000 hours outside goal.
- At least 4 Hikes this month to work towards our 52 hikes a year goal. If we get to do our Utah trip we will easily exceed this goal.
- 5k a day, every day for April
- Run on a trail at least once a week
- Work on my creation skills by publishing 3 videos this month
- Run/walk at least 100 miles this month
What are some of your goals for April?
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