We had a pretty standard Tuesday around here, we got up early to make sure Emmy was to preschool on time. I used to live at the community center when the kids were really little so going there many times a week gives me so many happy feels.

We used to hang out in the play ground all the time. It is soft for babies to crawl around and there are walls to keep toddlers from running. It’s also our go to indoor pool.
Cannon and I did a little Christmas shopping while Emmy was at school, before tackling reading, writing and math exam.

She is so cute with her big ol’ back pack.

After picking up Emmy we went to the library to take back a stack of books and grab some new ones.

We had lunch at home and I just wanted to document how cute this little witch pic is! Emmy liked it.

I know it’s still October but these are on sale so I grabbed them in XS, S and M because I wasn’t sure what size would work for the kids. Also I think they are so cute!!!

I know it’s probably lame to have the kids match, but we love it. The XS and S worked but I think I will keep the M as well so they can match for a couple extra years.

Emmy was wearing one over her Halloween dress, so we are very seasonally confused over here.
In the afternoon we worked on our Bat mini unit, read aloud and some crafting.

When we were done with school, Cory was working late so the kids joined me in the basement so I could do some PT. I also ran a little on the treadmill feeling like it was the easy way out. It was SO nice out and I love running outside in the fall but I just didn’t want to try to get the kids out on scooters and fight with Emmy if she gets tired (bored) or dig out the stroller.

We needed a quick dinner so we made grilled cheese and tomato pepper soup. So easy and so good.
Do you ever feel like the treadmill is the easy way out? I know it’s not really, I use it often as it’s practical but I always prefer to run outside.
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